Office Printer Request

Who can use it?

BGSU faculty and staff. 

What is it?

Faculty and staff may request a new printer or multifunction device for their department or office. Upon approval, the model you receive will be based on the estimated volume of printing and the need for various features/functionality.

To request a replacement printer, please contact ComDoc, BGSU’s print vendor.

How to request it?

Please submit the request form on this page to request a new printing device.

How to use it?

After you have submitted your request, ITS and ComDoc will review your submission and reach out to you if any additional information is needed. If your request is approved, ITS will work with ComDoc to facilitate the installation. Please note that device model availability may vary. Allow a minimum of 10 business days for the delivery of a new device.

How much does it cost?

Depending on the device selected, there may be a charge for the device and/or installation.

Submit Request Form


Service ID: 9644
Thu 7/16/15 10:15 AM
Fri 1/27/23 2:17 PM