Temporary Network Jack Request for PCI Network (Cash Registers)

Who can use it?

BGSU faculty and staff. 

This service is typically used by BGSU affiliates with point of purchase (POP) devices, such as Campus Activities, Dining Services and Falcon Outfitters.

What is it?

As registers are needed in different areas around campus, requests are made to temporarily switch a network jack over to the PCI network in order to allow the registers to connect. When the register is no longer being used, the network jack is disabled or switched back to the primary building network.

How to request it?

Please submit the request form on this page to request a temporary PCI network jack. 

How to use it?

Upon submitting the request form, ITS will review, and if the request is approved you will be contacted by an ITS representative once the network jack has been activated. 

Please review our PCI Compliance When Using the BGSU Wired/Wireless Network article for details regarding PCI compliance regulations vendors must agree to when processing credit card payments using the BGSU wired/wireless network.

How much does it cost?

There are no costs associated with this service.