How Do I Connect to the R Drive/File Share?


How do I connect my computer to the R drive?


Use the specific instructions below based on your computer operating system. Ensure that you are connected to Pulse Secure if working off-campus or connected Eduroam/ Ethernet if working on-campus.

Windows 10

  1. Using the Cortana Search feature (Windows search bar in bottom left corner of desktop), type This PC.
  2. Right click This PC.
  3. Select Map Network Drive from the top menu bar.
  4. In the pop up box that opens, enter the following settings:
    • Drive: R:
    • Folder: \\\root
    • Check Reconnect at Sign-in
  5. Select Finish.
    • If prompted, Enter your BGSU credentials.


  1. While on the desktop or in a Finder window, Select Go from the tool bar on the top left.
  2. Select Connect to Server.
  3. In the pop-up box that opens, enter: smb://
  4. Select Connect.
    •  Enter your credentials if prompted.

 For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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Article ID: 23384
Sat 1/21/17 8:01 AM
Wed 11/8/23 8:48 AM