What enhancements, external tools and features, and LTIs are available in Canvas?
Canvas LTI enhancement support varies depending on the production. For most LTIs, the instructor and vendor are the first contact for support. ITS installs and supports the integration.
Full Support
Limited Support (LTI integration)
- BGSU Blogs
- BGSU LibGuides
- Cengage Learning Mindlinks
- Chicago Business Press
- Cirrus
- Ebsco Resources
- Frost
- Google Assignments
- GoReact
- Hawkes Syncroniztion Tool
- Khan Academy
- Virtual Business
- Lingco
- Lumen Learning
- Macmillan LaunchPad
- McGraw-Hill Campus
- McGraw-Hill Connect
- Mylabs Plus
- Office365
- Packback
- Person Revel
- Perusall
- Pivot Interactives
- ProQuest Resources
- Sage Vantage
- Springshare Libguides
- Van-Griner Courseware
- Vimeo
- Vital Source
- Wall Street Journal
- W.W. Norton
- YouTube
- zyBooks
Note: Some are free, others are student paid or department paid.
Non-Approved Tools
Non-Approved Tools are any tools not listed above or on the web link. No support is currently available for non-approved tools. Some non-approved tools can be installed by the client on their own, but most require a direct connection to our system that must be approved by the Canvas Governing Council. If a client would like to request a new tool be added to the approved list, they must submit a project request.
For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.