Search70 Results

Information regarding due dates vs. availability dates in Canvas.
Steps to give a student a unique or special due date in Canvas.
Explanation of why version updates are necessary.
Instructions for updating a Canvas course End Date.
Instructions for checking if Firefox is up-to-date and updating the browser.
Basic Canvas vocabulary and information.
Instructions for setting your BGSU Outlook Calendar to a working elsewhere (remotely) status.
Information regarding why a new student employee may not show up on the supervisor time sheet view.
Instructions for adding a new user to an existing training in Bridge.
Instructions for removing a course from the Canvas dashboard.
Instructions for publishing a Canvas course.
Instructions for fixing the "the email cannot be sent since the class has already been completed" in Canvas.
Information on how to copy an existing project for a new semester.
Information regarding the status of IT projects.
Information on how to create a assignment in canvas.