How can I purchase approved bubble sheets for Academic Scanning?
Instructors who want Information Technology Services to score their answer sheets or Faculty processing their own scantrons using the Sekonic SR-3500 Scanner should use an approved bubble sheet. The recommended choices are as follows:
#4521 – Apperson 20440/25460- $39/500 pkg (Sample)
200 question answer sheet with
5 responses
#4887 – Apperson 25820 - $38.50/500 pkg (Sample)
120 question answer sheets with
10 choice alpha/numeric (0-9)
#6703 – Apperson 20140 - $38.50/500 pkg (Sample)
120 question answer sheet with
10 choice alpha/numeric (1-10)
Approved bubble sheets can be purchased using your Pcard from Apperson Education Products (Higher Education Division) at 800-827-9219.
The BGSU customer number is #678856.
For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.