Computer Labs Overview


Overview of the types of computer labs on campus.



What types of computer labs are available on the BGSU campus?


BGSU has a variety of different computer labs for students to use. 

ITS Computer Labs 

  • Managed and funded by ITS. 

  • ITS manages the operating system and software. 

  • ITS computer labs can be either: 

  • General Use: open for student use during all hours of operation, not reservable for instruction (e.g. BTSU Lab, Library Lobby Lab). 

  • Instructional: able to be scheduled for courses, open for student use if there is not a class scheduled.  

Department Computer Labs 

  • Managed and funded by a department or college. 

  • ITS typically manages the operating system and software. 

  • Exceptions do exist with a memorandum of understanding in place. 

  • Department/college will need to be contacted for availability. 


For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.



Article ID: 150723
Wed 3/29/23 10:55 AM
Mon 4/3/23 10:22 AM