Software Purchase Request Outcomes


An explanation of the various Software Purchase Request outcomes.



What are the various types of software purchase request outcomes for University devices?


Software purchase requests and software install requests typically have one of the following outcomes: 

  • If software requested has previously been approved for purchase/install, you will receive a response in your ticket confirming that the request is approved. ITS will contact you via ticket communication that the software is ready for installation. 
  • If software requested is denied, you will receive a ticket communication explaining the justification for the denial.
  • If request is for NEW software, or for a product that has NOT previously been approved, it is required to go through the University’s mandatory Software Purchase & Request Review Process

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.



Article ID: 131594
Thu 4/15/21 2:27 PM
Fri 4/26/24 8:17 AM

Related Services / Offerings

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Use this service to procure software or an online service not currently offered/owned by the University. *Please note: Review of software requests typically take a minimum of 45 days to be routed through the approval process. This 45-day minimum begins after all requested information has been received. To expedite this process, the BGSU employee most familiar with the software should submit this form.​​​​​​​* **You may be contacted throughout this process; please be sure to reply to any additional requests for information. **