What is the AlertBG Messaging System?


What is the AlertBG Messaging System? 


The emergency AlertBG messaging system sends time-sensitive communications (such as weather or campus security) to subscribers via text message and email as well as other modes such as Facebook, Twitter, web pages, and digital signs.

Text message alerts are sent to faculty, staff and student phones that have updated their personal information with a "cellular phone" label.

Subscribers can manage their alert account, deactivate service, update phone numbers and add additional phone numbers/email addresses (parent, spouse, friend) by following these instructions.

All users will receive Bowling Green Campus messages. Users that would like to receive messages pertaining to Firelands campus can do so by following the instructions in this article

SPAM messaging is prohibited. 

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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Article ID: 22081
Thu 12/22/16 11:13 AM
Mon 2/19/24 11:51 AM