Check Printer Supplies - AltaLink C8045/8055/8070


How do I check the printer supply levels on an AltaLink C8045/8055/8070?


  1. From the Home screen on the device's touchpad, select Device.
  2. Select Supplies.
  3. The supply levels for the individual toners are indicated on the Supplies screen.
  4. To print a list of all printer supplies and their levels, select Print Supplies Report.
  5. To view the other customer replaceable units (CRUs), select Other Supplies.
  6. A list of the other CRUs* with their remaining percentage of life, estimated pages remaining, and/or estimated number of days remaining being listed on the Other Supplies screen.
    • *Waste container information is not included on this screen.

For additional assistance, please contact ComDoc.


Article ID: 136551
Thu 8/5/21 4:46 PM
Fri 10/28/22 8:43 AM