Search24 Results

Information about using the Microsoft Teams calendar.
Information on using Microsoft Teams chats including starting a chat with an individual, group chats, renaming a group chat, hiding/unhiding a chat, deleting chats, etc.
Information on joining a meeting, scheduling a meeting, meeting invites, etc.
Instructions for creating breakout rooms in Microsoft Teams.
Instructions on making calls via Microsoft Teams.
Link to Microsoft Teams' support website.
Information regarding Channels within Microsoft Teams, including creating a Channel, adding tabs to Channels, hiding/unhiding a Channel, Channel notifications/settings, etc.
Information on joining/leave a Microsoft Team and managing settings/permissions.
Information on the Assignments functionality.
Information regarding the use of apps within Microsoft Teams and SharePoint.
Information regarding MS Teams external users.
Information on adding a link to you SharePoint Document Library to an MS Teams channel.
Microsoft Teams troubleshooting steps.
Instructions for accessing the Microsoft Teams web application.
Instructions for accessing Microsoft Teams user training.