Clear Cache/History in Google Chrome


How do I delete my history, cookies and cache on Chrome?


Clearing the cookies, cache, and history on any browser will help remove old data that may be causing you problems. 

  1. Open the Chrome menu via the three-line icon located at the top right of the window. 
  2. Select More Tools.
  3. Select clear browsing data.
  4. Confirm if any items should be unchecked/excluded.
  5. Select the advanced tab.
  6. For the time range, select the displayed range to see options and select all time.
  7. Select clear data to finish the process. A restart of Chrome is recommended.

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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Article ID: 9024
Fri 10/9/15 3:55 PM
Wed 10/25/23 1:59 PM