Set Outlook Calendar to Indicate Working Elsewhere (Remotely)


How do I set up my Outlook calendar to indicate that I am working elsewhere/remotely?


BGSU's default work environment is on-campus; however, some employees may work remotely part-time or full-time. ITS recommends that staff working remotely set their calendar availability status to "Working Elsewhere" on the dates they are working off-campus. This provides insight when scheduling meetings to ensure the proper meeting format is available. For example, if a person's calendar is set to Working Elsewhere on a date/time that a meeting is scheduled, the meeting host should ensure a remote options such as Microsoft Teams or Zoom is available. 

Follow the instructions below to set your Outlook calendar status to Working Elsewhere for the dates/times you will be working remotely:

Outlook Desktop Application 

  1. Open the Outlook desktop application.
  2. Select the Calendar icon from the bottom left corner of the screen. 
  3. Select New Appointment from the options ribbon at the top of the calendar screen.
  4. Enter Subject (optional) such as "Working Remotely".
  5. Enter the Date (select all day) or Date and Time for when you will be working remotely.
    1. If you have a regular/recurring remote work schedule:
      1. Select Recurrence from the Outlook ribbon.
      2. Enter the Start and End times for the days you will be working remotely.
      3. Select the Recurrence Pattern.
        • For example, if you work remotely every Tuesday and Thursday, check the Tuesday and Thursday boxes.
      4. Select the Range of Recurrence for when you would like the recurrence to start and end.
      5. Select OK.
  6. Select Working Elsewhere from the Show As drop-down in the Outlook Ribbon.
  7. Select Save & Close.

Outlook Web Application

  1. Navigate to
  2. Select the Calendar icon from the left navigation menu.
  3. Select New Event from the top left corner of the Calendar screen.
  4. Enter Title (optional) such as "Working Remotely".
  5. Enter the Date (all day) or Date and Time for when you will be working remotely.
    1. If you have a regular/recurring remote work schedule:
      1. Select the Repeat drop-down menu.
      2. Select the Repeat Pattern
      3. If your repeat pattern is not listed:
        1. Select Custom.
        2. Enter the Start Date (the date for when you would like the recurrence to begin).
        3. Enter your custom repeat pattern
        4. For example, if you work remotely every Tuesday and Thursday, select the Tuesday and Thursday bubbles and select Week from the drop-down menu above.
        5. Select an End Date
        6. Select Save
  6. From the Busy drop-down menu, select Working Elsewhere
  7. Select Save.

For additional assistance, please contact Information Technology Services at 419-372-0999 or through chat.

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Article ID: 136816
Fri 8/13/21 10:19 AM
Mon 9/25/23 8:37 AM